Speed reading guidebook for kids


How to teach a child to read quickly and understand what they read. For kids from 6 to 10 years old.

Description: This speed reading guidebook contains a variety of tasks by which your child will learn how to read quickly and simultaneously understands and analyzes what he or she is reading. This book helps children to catch the main idea of the reading materials. Moreover, it contains exercises that develop memory and enhance recall abilities. This handbook can also be useful for developing сoncentration and adjustment of breathing while reading. It won’t be boring! Since the exercises in the book are designed in the form of a game. Therefore, children may gain a new skill in an entertaining way. Practice at your own pace and unleash your child’s skills and talents!

  • Format: 165 x 220
  • Author: David Johnson
  • Page Count: 170
  • Paper: offset
  • 6+